The student, the teacher, the leader: ATA President David Rhoads
Simply put, life is a transformative journey. When considering a life well-lived, with all of the obstacles and failures, the victories and triumphs, the journey ultimately seems to embody three distinctive eras. Early on, we stumble through finding our footing, learning all we can from the world and the people around us. Soon though, with the gathered experiences of our roots, we begin a new phase in our journey, imparting knowledge just as mentors have impressed upon us, helping others along their journey learn as we once did. Inevitably though, at least for those who heed the call, we move past our mentee and mentor phases and transcend the system entirely. We become the stewards of the institutions that provided for our own transformation and for our own life well-lived. In this way, we ultimately evolve from student to teacher and from teacher to leader.
This very same metamorphosis sums up the lifetime accomplishments of our own Amateur Trapshooting Association President, David Rhoads. On a bitter cold night in January, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Rhoads and from our conversation, I have no doubt that Rhoads epitomizes this evolution, one who has transformed from student to literal teacher, and is now the dutiful steward of our great organization.

Rhoads started his shooting career back in 1967, a date seeming forever ago in his memory. Rhoads, then a college student, pulled into the South Topeka Gun Club in Kansas with his new bird gun he had just purchased two weeks prior to try his hand at quail hunting. His new gun was the much-romanticized Winchester Model 12, perfect for trapshooting. However, looking to develop a lifelong love of trapshooting wasn’t what brought Rhoads to the gun club that day. It was his father who convinced him to simply try the gun out at the local turkey shoot to get a feel for it. A few pulverized targets later, as well as a prize turkey, and he was hooked.
Ironically enough, also in attendance at the turkey shoot that day was one of Rhoads’ former high school teachers, Mr. Clayton Stultz. A nervous Rhoads was quickly calmed by his former teacher; with a firm hand on his shoulder, Stultz leaned in with the command and caring of a teacher who has perfected his craft and calmly instructed Rhoads to “take a deep breath, relax, call pull, and just think of that clay as a quail, which I know you can hit, then just shoot it.” Though he didn’t say it in the interview, I had the distinct feeling that Rhoads discovered a newfound appreciation for Stultz that day, and dare I say, for teachers as a whole. Not merely a profession, teaching was something people simply did, naturally, with a kind heart and dear bought wisdom. I find it prudent here to mention that Rhoads not only developed a lasting relationship with Stultz as he traveled to shoots with him for years, but he actually became a schoolteacher himself after graduating from Kansas State University, boasting a career of 32 years.

Though still learning all he could, traveling the trapshooting circuit himself, Rhoads now embarked on his own teaching journey, teaching science to students from sixth grade all the way through college. Just like that, the student became the teacher, quite literally.
This new career surely didn’t stop Rhoads from shooting registered targets, he kept at it, even having the pleasure to shoot trap with his own students from time to time.
When reminiscing on his early shoot career, Rhoads shared the story of his first large registered shoot. Rhoads flew into Tucson, AZ, for their Midwinter Shoot. His excitement to try his hand at the big leagues, however, soon gave way to trepidation as all of his equipment, gun included, ended up taking a different flight to Hawaii instead. He described that he got his equipment finally delivered just 15 minutes before his squad was called. He shot no practice rounds, but his nerves were surely shot, though he did his best anyhow. While looking back on his performance as subpar, scoring a 145×150 in singles, under those conditions, at his first large shoot, was nevertheless an impressive feat.
In 1983, Rhoads got his back-fence punch at the North Carolina State Shoot at Pinehurst Gun Club. He proudly recounts his first 200 straight in singles at the 1989 Kansas State Shoot, and his first 100 straight in doubles also at the Kansas Trapshooting Association in 1985. Records and trophies aside, Rhoads radiated the most joy during our interview anytime he talked about all the people he met along the way. It seems Rhoads’ time as a mentor to so many left its lasting impression. This shoot season, Rhoads is committed to attending at least every state shoot in the ATA Southwestern Zone. This includes Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and of course Kansas. He admits that timing will be tight, but he has a plan.

During our time together, Rhoads also mentioned a story that’s all too commonly felt, though not begrudgingly and without ill intent. A story describing the simple needs of clubs, state associations, and even the ATA’s national body, a story of the need for service. After all, our sport would be nothing without the steadfast dedication of volunteers nationwide. So, the student now turned teacher morphed once more into a steward for the sport, preserving its legacy for future generations to learn and grow in a pastime that has brought so much joy, fulfillment, and camaraderie to the lives of so many.
Rhoads first took up the torch of ATA leadership at the state level, serving as an Alternate and then Delegate for Kansas. This led Rhoads to a slew of other volunteer positions where he stuck to his personal code to simply answer the call of volunteerism. Rhoads soon found himself serving, at separate times, on the Central Handicap Committee and the Audit Oversight Committee.
It was from these volunteering experiences that Rhoads was requested to run for the Executive Committee of the ATA. This committee consists of one representative from each Zone, and they are ultimately responsible for the ATA’s day-to-day operations. In essence, Executive Committee members serve for five years, in which they sit as President of the ATA in their last year. I couldn’t imagine taking the reins of the largest target shooting organization in the world, an organization that is responsible for overseeing literally thousands of shoots each year. The ATA now boasts 125 years of service to the shooters of not just the
United States, but now shooters worldwide. And Rhoads couldn’t be happier with the team he has this year.
Given the ATA’s impressive legacy, I questioned Rhoads about his new role at the helm and what plans he has in store. His answer is one I wasn’t expecting, which made it all the more genuine and speaks volumes to both the organization and leadership. Rhoads spoke of no overarching agenda, no plans to usurp tradition or the established track record of success. He rather focused on an organization made up of the world’s kindest sportsmen who are dedicated to a sport that spans a lifetime.
Rhoads assuredly remarked, “I do not need another feather in my cap, and the ATA is already a well-oiled machine that needs to stay the course.” He continued, “I just want to do what is best for the entire organization, for each individual shooter, for my Zone (Southwestern) and my state association (Kansas).” When you think back on the ATA’s lasting legacy of success, especially when considering lifetime shooters who have competed under its jurisdiction, it’s admirable for a leader to respect and preserve the ATA’s legacy, of course all the while dealing with any problems as they arise.
It is in this way that Rhoads’ journey has come full circle; from student to teacher, and from teacher to leader. Whether or not Rhoads has had the opportunity to reflect on his newfound role, he is now the steward of the sport, protecting its legacy so that future generations are permitted the same cherished opportunities that he was once offered. So, if you see David Rhoads out and about at any of the Southwestern Zone state shoots this year, or at the Grand, be sure to say hello, shake his hand and offer a quick word of appreciation for this year’s steward of the sport, the captain at the helm, ensuring that the traditions, values and the very spirit of trapshooting stays the course, preserving the sport for generations to come.