Around The ATA – March 2025
Around the ATA
Information for Around the ATA is provided to TRAP & FIELD by state and provincial ATA Delegates and/or their designated representatives.
Shooters and local officials: Please inform your ATA Delegate of news about shooters and clubs in your area.
Hi, everyone. I have to begin with some sad news. Don Herdes passed away around Christmas time. Don ran his own construction business and had many other hobbies besides trapshooting. The cumulative effect on him made it very hard for him to shoot in the last years of his life. When Don was in his prime, however, there was no one any better than him at trapshooting in Illinois. The highlight of his career was winning the 2012 Grand American Handicap. Don was a funny, thoughtful person who always had good ideas on how to improve trapshooting. The thing I liked best about Don was that he was an honest man, and I always knew where I stood with him. Rest well, my friend. We are all going to miss you.
I was looking at the schedule of shoots on the ISTA website and saw an exciting trend. A lot more small clubs are hosting Big 50 shoots this target year. I have listened to shooters say they are not going to drive just to shoot 50 targets. I admit I was one of those guys who was against Big 50 shoots when they were first created. I like to think I am older and wiser now. Big 50s are a great way to shoot targets. It is a lot less tiring and only costs half as much. If you are near a club throwing these targets, go shoot them. I know you will have a great time.
I received a phone call last night with some terrible news. Adam Fabisiak was in a very serious car accident down in Florida over the Christmas holidays. Adam is a northern zone shooter, an All-Stater and a super nice guy. He has been in the hospital since the accident and is hoping to get home to Illinois soon. I’m sure Adam would appreciate a phone call, text or email from his many friends as he is recuperating. Get well soon, Adam. We need you.
By the time you read this, shooting will be starting up. Shoot well, enjoy your friends and support your local club.
Bill Duncan
ATA Delegate
Hello, shooters. On behalf of all Michigan trapshooters, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Dick Marascola. Dick made a lifetime of contributions to the ATA and shooting sports in general, and we lost a great friend in January. You will be missed.
On the heels of St. Patrick’s Day (and perhaps a few green beers along the way) we are getting ready to kick the trapshooting season into full gear in Michigan. Coming up soon is the Spring Team Shoot, which will take place May 1-4. The team shoots are always popular, and I would like to encourage everyone to come out and enjoy a great weekend with all our trapshooting friends. The team shoots bring out competitors from Michigan and the surrounding states. Not only is it a great opportunity to compete but also a great chance to win one of 100+ belt buckles that are awarded for this shoot.
As we get ready to start enjoying some warmer weather and more consistent shooting, this time of the year always makes me reflect on all the great people in this sport. I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone at the homegrounds in Mason in a few short weeks. I know that many people are still shooting at clubs around the state, or in winter leagues at their local clubs or even spending time down south in either Arizona or Florida, but nothing can replace a big shoot in full swing in Mason. For those of you who haven’t been to the MTA homegrounds in a while, I would encourage you to make the trip. Our MTA leadership team has been working hard to improve the grounds, add target-throwing capability by adding sporting clays and skeet, throwing great targets and creating a great overall shooter experience. Go online to the MTA website and make your camping reservation for 2025.
I was proud to see that Michigan finished the 2024 target year throwing a total of 1.16 million targets, the sixth highest total in the country. Thank you to all who contributed to this achievement, and I hope we do even better in 2025.
This is also a great time of the year to catch up on any lagging gun maintenance and cleaning that you may have been procrastinating on. Yes, I’m speaking from experience and my own procrastination to give that gun a thorough cleaning and change those trigger springs before the action starts again. Good luck and have fun out there!
Dave Guaresimo
ATA Delegate
Greetings from the North Star State. I want to start this month’s column by congratulating two great ladies from Trap & Field Magazine. The first is Terry Heeg on her retirement as the Editor-in-Chief and her replacement, Elissa Harding. Thank you, Terry, for all of your years of service to the shooting community and good luck to Elissa as you assume the role as “the Chief.” Elissa has been my contact person for Around the ATA since I began writing these columns in 2019 and has been very patient with my seemingly never-ending dance with the deadline. I am sure she will do a great job as the leader at Trap & Field.
Shooters, remember the jackpot shoots at Buffalo, Monticello, Minneapolis and Del-Tone will continue through the winter, and even though this column will not arrive until your March issue, jackpot shooting will still be held. Please check with your nearest locale to get all the details.
Minnesota shooters have been doing well in the warmer climates of Florida and Arizona. At the Silver Dollar, Glen Lonneman paced doubles shooters on two straight days during their Silver Dollar Arms Shoot early in January and won another doubles event in the Federal Shoot later in the month.
At the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club Pin Shoot, Dawn Walker led all shooters in the Gila Handicap on Thursday. My sources tell me the weather has been decent, but some days have been cooler than is ideal for breaking a big score, and the attendance numbers have reflected that as well.
As I write this column during the last week of January, we are getting a bit of a reprieve from the cold weather, as it is near 30º today, and that is the forecast for the entire week. A relative heat wave!
Shooters are reminded that the Minnesota State Shoot is June 24-29. If you have not made your camping reservation yet, you can do so by contacting Tyler Notch at the Alex Shooting Park. His email is [email protected]. Pre-squadding for the shoot begins April 30.
When you receive this in your March issue, the Spring Grand will be history, and hopefully many Minnesotans were successful at the shoot. I will try to get some results in my next column.
Paul T. Cyr
For ATA Delegate Randy Jones
I don’t have much to write about, as winter is still here while I write this article in February. Wisconsin did have a couple of our shooting friends pass to include Dale Reimer, Two Rivers, and Frederick Krause, Eau Claire. You will be missed by your friends on the shooting line.
There were a few things going on for me in January as I write this. I was able to work for SSP Eyewear at SHOT Shot in Las Vegas. This is open only to manufacturers and dealers. Talk about a busy show, manufactures from all over the world come to pitch a new product or existing line.
The other thing I had going on was getting a photodynamic therapy treatment done. And no not the therapy you are thinking, ha. All of the years of trapshooting in the sun have added up to some spots on my face that the photodynamic therapy treatment works on. As I know and you most likely know, too much sun can cause cancer. Luckily my spots are not cancer. The treatment required me to sit for 90 minutes in the office and 15 more with the light photosensitized to kill cancer cells. Then, the next 48 hours no sunlight or florescent lights. Basically don’t go outside or have light shining in your home. That also meant no computer or phone time. I am telling you this, so you put the sunscreen on at shoots and recommend you go to a dermatologist to get checked. I did ask if the treatment would make me look younger. I believe it will.
Shooters down in Florida are showing their shooting talents: John Halambeck, John Reeb and Paul Becker (Paul, yes, you still are one of us).
Not much to share as far as trapshooters winning. Hopefully as March goes on, we will have more winners in the winning circle.
Time to clean up at your local club for the spring trapshoots. I bet if you ask to help, you won’t be turned down.
Sandra Jo Jack
For ATA Delegate Kevin Doerring
Atlantic Provinces
Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.
PSA: Winter is here. Cold temperatures, strong winds and wind chills into the minus teens (Celsius) are being reported across the Atlantic Provinces. As a result, there’s not much trapshooting going on now (it’s late January when I’m writing this), but some shooters are taking a mid-winter break to shoot the Spring Grand. Good luck to Herbie and Janaya Nickerson from Cape Sable Island, NS.
The 2025 Atlantic Provinces trapshooting schedule is available on, and there is a full slate of shoots in all provinces. The full Atlantic Provinces shoot schedule is also available and includes all clay target shoots for those who like to dabble with skeet and sporting clays.
There’s still time to register for the Canadian Trapshooting Association’s Coast to Coast Trapshoot—a Canada-wide, 300-target satellite shoot scheduled for Sept. 13. Visit for information on the shoot and how to sign up. To date, we have clubs in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia participating.
I have tickets for this year’s ATA Gun Club Fund Raffle. Tickets are $20 each or six for $100. Please consider supporting this great ATA program that supports local clubs by providing funding grants to help with projects, equipment purchases and other club initiatives that promote trapshooting at their club. Contact me to get your tickets and a chance to win a Kolar trap combo.
If you’re thinking about your own trapshooting schedule for 2025, here are some dates to keep in mind. The Canadian Trapshooting Championships are being held June 26-29 at the Hamilton Gun Club in Ontario, and the Ontario Provincial Shoot is the next week in nearby St. Thomas. If you’re able, this is a great opportunity to shoot at two of the best trap clubs in Canada. The 2025 ATA target year wraps up with the Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot in Yarmouth, NS, Aug. 27-31. You don’t want to miss that shoot.
For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or visit
Andrea Bassan
ATA Delegate
Warmest greetings to all. We have just experienced some of the coldest weather of the year, and hopefully, by the time you are reading this letter, signs of spring are emerging.
On Jan. 1, the New Haven Raccoon Club hosted the 12th annual Dave Bicknell New Year’s Day Shoot. The event drew an impressive crowd of 150 attendees. As Dave described it, “It was pure excitement!” Despite the threat of heavy rain, a large group of ATA shooters participated, showcasing their dedication to the sport. Remarkably, 27 full squads competed on a one-trap layout—a testament to the event’s popularity and smooth organization.
The Raccoon Club went above and beyond in promoting and hosting this event, creating an atmosphere that was both welcoming and enjoyable. Many new shooters tried trap for the first time, and every one of them hit at least one target—an exciting milestone! The event also featured complimentary catering, adding to the festive spirit.
CTA members turned out in full force to support the shoot, contributing to its success. It was a fantastic day that brought the community together and set the tone for a great year of shooting.
The CTA held its January meeting, and under the leadership of President Noelle Feucht and the board of directors, the Connecticut State Shoot plans and program are shaping up to be a great tournament. Building on last year’s success, they are working hard to make the three-day shoot a “don’t want to miss event.” The CTA website as well as the Connecticut Trapshooting Association page on Facebook are great sources for information.
Thank you to Frank Russello for providing me with the information on the New Year’s Day event above. If anyone has Connecticut news or events you would like to share, please email me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.
Best wishes!
Cheryll Pittera
ATA Delegate
New Jersey
Hello, fellow New Jersey shooters. Many of you continue to push forward and support the local clubs while shooting through the winter months here in wonderful New Jersey. I was pleased to see great participation at Pine Belt’s Halloween Shoot. Bob Jarvis was very generous, providing silver coins in a lottery to shooters. A great time was had by all in attendance, and members brought an abundance of food for all to enjoy.
Square Circle Sportsman’s Club in Gibbsboro held an extremely fun and challenging glow in the dark shoot, throwing green targets illuminated with black lights. Although I was not available to attend, my son Joseph participated and reported how much fun he had as well as how challenging it was to stand in the dark, not seeing your beads and seeing glowing green targets. We look forward to getting out to Square Circle to try this in the future. Bob Jarvis at Pine Belt is working on this glow shooting, and I believe it will be called Alien Encounter. They are producing shirts with an alien encounter graphic. You will need to check them out. Fun shoots like these really help move the sport forward, and I thank all those involved with all of the New Jersey clubs.
I would also like to remind the small clubs that the ATA is now allowing single trap clubs to join and throw registered targets. Please contact me if you would like to participate with the ATA program.
NJSTA has selected the 2024 New Jersey State Teams. They are as follows:
Men’s first—Scott Kalnas, Rangel Queiroz, Thomas Clarke, Robert Jarvis, Thomas Green. Men’s second—Gabriel Biarsky, Dan Biggs, Michael Chiarella, Richard Batesko, Charles Lehman Jr. Women’s—Emily Malone. Junior—Sofia Granata. Veteran—Raymond Padavani, Mark Invidiato, Robert Battista, Richard Pappas, Raymond Dirisio. Senior vet—George B. Wright, John Godwin, Thomas Wolf, Gilbert Dinallo, J.P. Horgan. Congratulations to all of the team members.
James Lavelle and Kolleen Adams traveled to Tucson for the Autumn Grand. They spent two weeks out west and also shot at Casa Grande. James won two events in D class for both singles and doubles and earned a half-yard punch from a Casa Grande Big 50. Shooters, please send me your shooting accomplishments and experiences, so I can share them in future articles.
In closing I would like to thank the NJSTA HOF for choosing me to be the 2025 inductee. When I started 20 years ago, I really didn’t know much of the sport or how many wonderful people I would meet along the way. I am truly humbled to be chosen for this honor.
Thomas Clarke
ATA Delegate
New York
Hello from New York. I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm during the winter season.
A target achievement to be mentioned: Percy Caraballo has a combined total of 100,000 registered targets. Good going, Percy.
Several shooters from New York achieved the total of 20,000 targets or more registered during the 2024 target year. Caraballo, William Wallis, James Flint, David Kestler and Don Alderson were the New Yorkers who made this achievement. Totals can be viewed on the ATA webpage. Good going, guys.
During the 2024 target year, the New York State homegrounds in Cicero threw a total of 773,475 targets. This placed 11th on the list of total targets thrown by clubs.
The ATA announced a partnership with Elite Shotguns as a Signature Sponsor of ATA Satellite Grands. Thank you, Elite Shotguns.
You can reserve your camping spot now online for the 2025 Grand American in Sparta. Please view the ATA webpage for details.
If anyone is traveling south for the Southern Grand or the Florida State Shoot, please travel safely.
That’s all I have for now. There is not much to write about for registered shooting during the winter season in New York.
Anyone who wishes to have something written in one of these articles, please feel free to contact me by phone at 585-519-9543 or email me at [email protected]. Please stay healthy, safe and in good spirits. May God bless you all.
Dave Cichelli
ATA Delegate
Greetings from Ontario, Canada.
In my last article, I encouraged ATA shooters from the USA to come to Ontario to participate in one or more of our major competitions scheduled for St. Thomas (Ontario Provincials and Eastern Zone Shoot) and the Canadian Championships scheduled for Hamilton. I recently received requests from U.S. shooters on several issues, but mostly on how they bring their trap guns and ammo into Canada, and, if they hope to bring their recreational vehicles, where do they get a trailer park near to the events.
On the first issue I will give general advice, but you need to verify this with Canada Customs and Border Security before you travel. Some helpful tips include the following:
Don’t bring any handguns into Canada.
In Canada our long guns (in this case shotguns) are referred to as non-restricted firearms. You must declare them in writing. Fill out Form CAFC 909 Non-Resident Firearm Declaration and pay a fee of $25 Canadian. Once confirmed by a border services officer, it has the same effect as a temporary licence and registration and is valid for up to 60 days. I believe it can be renewed once at no additional cost.
Be prepared to show the border agents your guns, verify serial numbers, etc. and answer questions (e.g., where you are planning on using them). Be honest with your answers and declarations. When Canadians take firearms to the USA, we are usually asked for an invitation letter from the club or venue or the state organization. I am sure the Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Association will accommodate your request. Contact OPTA secretary Beau Douglas at [email protected]. The ATA has a generic letter that can be downloaded but use this only to supplement the OPTA letter.
Note: any American I have talked to tells me that entering Canada with firearms usually is relatively easy, but there can be problems when they try taking the same firearms back in the States. Solution: before entering Canada, go to the U.S. border control authorities, produce your firearms and have them issue you a document in writing that proves these were your firearms before you left the States.
There are, to the best of my knowledge, no permit requirements for bringing trapshooting ammo into Canada. Bring enough for the competition(s) and a few extra for practice and shootoffs. Keep it simple; don’t bring in other types of ammo, as some are prohibited (example, armour piercing, etc.). Currently no duty is payable on 1,500 cartridges per person (about six flats). Generally you must transport firearms unloaded and in a locked container (like a hard gun case) and located in the trunk of your vehicle and, if no trunk, then usually in the back of an SUV/recreational vehicle. Keep ammunition stored separately unless secured in a locked container with the firearm. In practice, most people have hard gun cases they lock, and ammunition is stored in the trunk (or equivalent area) and locked. If the person licenced to import the guns and ammunition is occupying the vehicle (as opposed to unattended), they need not be locked, e.g., while prepping for and competing.
If you want more or specific regulations, let me know, and I’ll email you a copy of the Canadian regulations under the Firearms Act covering transportation, storage and display of non-restricted firearms by individuals. Sometimes things change, so be aware and do your own due diligence. What I am providing to you is a rough guideline. If I can help on other issues, let me know.
For those seeking a trailer park for their recreational vehicles, I am informed by Brent Hogarth of the St. Thomas club that there are two campgrounds within 25 minutes of the St. Thomas club: Dalewood Conservation Area (five minutes away from the club), 519-631-1009; and Campers Corners RV Campground, 519-644-0222.
If you don’t need a campground, there are lots of hotels in London (20 minutes from St. Thomas) or in St. Thomas itself: Holiday Inn (519-207-2003) and Best Western Plus Stoneridge Inn (519-652-6022). At the time I did this article in mid-January there were still a few fully serviced sites at the gun club itself.
If you are attending competitions in Hamilton, I am informed by Dan Gris that there are no camping sites available at the club itself (unless there is no need for electricity, water, sewer, etc.). The nearest campgrounds I am told are as follows:
Fifty Point Conservation Area. This is located in Winona, and they have a website online. Telephone number is 905-525-2187. According to their website they have 70 fully serviced sites (sewer, hydro and water). Lots of amenities and proximate to Lake Ontario (best to go online for details including reservations).
Chippawa Creek Conservation. Camping reservations for 2025 commence March 4. There are 156 campsites (reserve by calling 905-386-6387). It is located on a man-made lake in Wellandport. According to Google, Wellandport is 53 minutes south of Hamilton itself (51.8 km or 32.19 miles).
Jordan Valley Resort. This is located at Niagara-on-the-Lake in the heart of the wine region of Ontario (more than 50 wineries to discover). You can book a site online or call 905-562-6562. Seems like lots of attractions and things to do on the grounds. According to Google, Jordan Valley is south of Hamilton (take QEW) and is one hour and three minutes away from Hamilton itself (47.7 km or 29.64 miles). I suspect the time may be less.
In short, whether you are attending from the States at either Hamilton or St. Thomas or both, there are lots of things besides shooting for spouses and family to enjoy.
Paul Shaw
ATA Delegate
Hello all from the most Southern, Northern State!
Recently I have been asked, “How can I make it into the Trap & Field Magazine?” Good question. A few ways come to mind, with the first being you or your gun club representative contact me about your outstanding achievement. Another is by ATA recognition. For example, shooting your first straight or making AA, AAA and the 27-yard line status. If you achieve any of these feats, please let me know. I can’t give you proper props if I don’t know.
ATA attainment awards and honorable mentions: 25K singles, Richard Mottola.
I am going to try to spotlight our ATA clubs for a few months. Some of the contacts may not be correct, but it is what I have. I, as well as the ATA and the FTA, are very appreciative of the work and continued efforts of the folks who dedicate their time to continue the shooting sports and of course “trapshooting” in particular.
The following was put together by me with help from AI.
Eustis Gun Club: a comprehensive overview:
The Eustis Gun Club, located in Eustis, FL, is a well-regarded establishment for firearm enthusiasts. With a rich history and a dedication to promoting safe shooting practices, the club has become a cornerstone for those interested in the sport of shooting.
The Eustis Gun Club has been serving the shooting community for several decades. Founded by a group of passionate marksmen, the club was established to provide a safe and regulated environment for firearm use and to foster a community of like-minded individuals. Over the years, the club has grown in both membership and facilities, continually adapting to the needs of its members and the broader shooting community.
In its formative years, the Eustis Gun Club was a small organization with limited resources. However, through the dedication of its founding members and the support of the local community, the club quickly gained traction. Fund-raising events, membership drives and community outreach were integral to the club’s early success.
As the popularity of shooting sports increased, so did the club’s membership. This growth necessitated the expansion of its facilities and the modernization of its infrastructure. The club invested in state-of-the-art shooting ranges, safety equipment and training programs to ensure members had access to the best resources available.
The Eustis Gun Club boasts an impressive array of facilities designed to cater to shooters of all skill levels.
The club features both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges, allowing members to practice in various conditions and environments. The indoor range is climate-controlled and equipped with advanced ventilation systems to ensure a comfortable and safe shooting experience. The outdoor range offers multiple lanes and targets, providing ample space for recreational shooting and competitive events.
A cornerstone of the Eustis Gun Club is its commitment to education and safety. The Training and Education Center offers a variety of courses for members and the public, including firearm safety, marksmanship and advanced shooting techniques. Certified instructors lead these courses, ensuring participants receive high-quality instruction.
The clubhouse serves as the heart of the Eustis Gun Club, providing a space for members to relax, socialize and share their experiences. The clubhouse includes a lounge area, meeting rooms and a kitchen, making it an ideal venue for club events, meetings and social gatherings.
The Eustis Gun Club hosts a wide range of activities and events throughout the year. These events cater to shooters of all ages and skill levels, promoting a sense of community and camaraderie among members.
Competitive shooting is a major focus of the Eustis Gun Club. The club regularly hosts local, regional and national competitions, attracting top shooters from around the country. Events include pistol, rifle and shotgun competitions, as well as specialty events such as 3-gun matches and steel challenge.
For those who prefer a more relaxed shooting experience, the club offers numerous opportunities for recreational shooting. Members can take advantage of open range days, fun shoots and casual competitions designed to be enjoyable and stress free.
The Eustis Gun Club is dedicated to fostering the next generation of shooters through its comprehensive youth programs. These programs provide young shooters with the opportunity to learn firearm safety, develop their shooting skills and participate in competitive events. The club’s youth programs are led by experienced instructors who are committed to promoting a positive and supportive environment for young shooters. Contact Don Kerce at 386-546-0466 for youth trapshooting.
Membership at the Eustis Gun Club is open to individuals of all ages and skill levels. The club offers several membership options to suit different needs and budgets. Benefits of membership include access to the club’s facilities, participation in events and competitions, and discounts on training courses and merchandise.
Prospective members are required to complete an application process, which includes a background check and an orientation session. This ensures that all members are committed to the club’s values of safety, responsibility and community.
Members of the Eustis Gun Club are expected to adhere to the club’s rules and regulations, which are designed to promote safety and ensure a positive experience for all. Members are also encouraged to participate in club events and volunteer opportunities, helping to support the club’s activities and initiatives.
The Eustis Gun Club is deeply committed to giving back to the local community. The club partners with various organizations and charities to support causes, such as youth education, veterans’ services and public safety. Through fund-raising events, donations and volunteer work, the club strives to make a positive impact on the community it serves.
The Eustis Gun Club is more than just a place to shoot; it is a community of passionate individuals dedicated to the sport of shooting and the values of safety, responsibility and camaraderie. With its rich history, top-notch facilities and diverse range of activities, the club offers something for everyone, from seasoned competitors to those new to the sport. Whether you are looking to improve your shooting skills, compete at a high level or simply enjoy a day at the range, the Eustis Gun Club provides the perfect setting for all your shooting needs.
Location: 12950 Frankies Rd., Tavares, FL. Contact: Morris Aguilar, 352-408-8869, 443-865-8074 or [email protected].
FTA Rule of the Month:
Section 2. Individual Membership. Only legal Florida residents, who enter and shoot registered ATA tournaments in the state of Florida annually will be recognized as active FTA members with all rights and privileges of membership. FTA members must be in full compliance with Florida laws and ATA rules pertaining to residency. No person may compete for Florida resident trophies, titles or added money during Florida State Trapshoots or FTA-sponsored tournaments, unless for the immediately preceding six months they have been a bona fide resident of the state of Florida and a member in good standing with the FTA.
- Proof of Residency—FTA members must provide a paid up ATA Average Card indicating that their principal domicile is within the state of Florida. Adult FTA members must have their valid Florida driver’s license or their valid Florida voter registration card to prove residency prior to competing for the Florida resident awards during FTA-sponsored tournaments. A sub-junior or junior must be certified as a Florida resident by a parent or legal guardian at FTA-sponsored tournaments.
- Rights and Privileges. A member in good standing shall have the right to vote, eligibility to hold office, a share in all assets and a share in all property rights of the FTA. All members shall have the privilege to speak or discuss any subject considered to be in order by the president during the annual or special meetings of the FTA.
Mike Reynolds
ATA Delegate
While the new target year began in September, at the time of this writing, we have now started a new calendar year. It has been a cold and snowy January in Kentucky, but shooters have braved the weather and continue to travel throughout the surrounding area to compete in several registered shoots and bird races at many gun clubs.
Don’t forget to make plans to attend the Kentucky State Shoot this year. The state shoot will be July 2-6, with the AIM program taking place July 1. For more information, visit Good luck and safe travels to all in the coming weeks.
Jack Holland
For ATA Southern Zone Vice President Dan Ryan
As March and the months of spring bring us forward into trapshooting weather, I hope and trust you have all survived the cold, snow, ice and storms of the winter. Each time I think about how hard something is for me, or how tough it is on me, I am reminded of the words of my late high school football coach, L.J. Davis. Coach Davis grew up following a mule on a small farm in Alabama and served in the Navy through World War II. When he was discharged after the war, he attended college and became a coach of the game he loved—like so, so many who were cut from the same piece of strong cloth as he. Like steel tempered fire, he was tempered by his life, like so many of his generation. He had tremendous influence on me and countless others. One of his sayings that I will never forget was, “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” And when we players would ask for a little sympathy during his hellacious practices, he would explain in his easily understood language where we could find that word in the dictionary but not on his practice field.
Let’s all think about that as we remember those who lost everything in the tremendous storms of last fall and the disastrous fires of this winter. We should always do all we can to help our fellow man. Maybe I will talk more about Coach Davis in the future.
I was reading something the other day where the writer tried to convey the message, “Do something you love, and you won’t have to work a day in your life.” Not so sure I totally agree with that. Many of us love to do lots of different things but often we are diverted, for whatever reason, in a different direction for a vocation, while our avocation remains just that. I am reminded of something a good friend and fellow rifle shooter told me many years ago. Some of you may have heard the name Otto Weber (O.K. Weber). He was an outstanding long range rifle shooter, Palma shooter and ran a shooting supply business for long range precision riflemen, especially Palma shooters. I always enjoyed our visits while at Camp Perry and did quite a bit of business with him back in the day. Mr. Weber was also an outstanding riflesmith and was exceptional at barreling and chambering precision rifles. However, he only did his own rifles. As you know, the long-range accuracy of a precision rifle barrel is not that great, depending on how much you shoot it. I told Otto that since his skills were so vast, he should include it as service within business. His answer has stuck with me for many years, “Will, when your avocation becomes your vocation, it is no longer your avocation.” Think about that statement for a while.
Upcoming Mississippi shoots: Follow this link to look at upcoming Mississippi shoots. Capitol Gun Club, Coast Rifle and Pistol Club, Starkville Gun Club and Whitetail Ridge Outdoors will have monthly shoots set, as usual. Let’s all try to get out and support these clubs.
Catfish Trapshoot: At present Capitol Gun Club has set April 5 for a shoot date. The club shoot management is currently considering a program for the event. Targets will be thrown over the same fields and background where the 2025 Mississippi State Shoot will be contested. An excellent opportunity to get a feel for the location of the state shoot.
The 2025 Mississippi State Trapshoot will be May 22-25 at the Capitol Gun Club, located northwest of Jackson.
Target requirements for the 2025 Mississippi State Shoot will be the same as last year: Shooters who do not have a total of 1,000 16-yard targets registered with the ATA in the current and previous year combined shall be placed in Class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. Shooters who do not have a total of 500 doubles targets registered with the ATA in the current and previous year combined shall be placed in Class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. Shooters who do not have a total of 1,000 handicap targets registered with the ATA in the current and previous year combined will be assigned two-yard penalty up to 25 yards max or their regular handicap yardage, whichever is greater. Handicap target requirements will be waived for shooters age 70 and over, making them eligible for trophies and monies. Any participant who fails to meet the minimum handicap target requirements as described will be allowed the choice of shooting “targets only” from their assigned yardage, provided they waive and forfeit all rights to options, purses, added money and trophies, including HOA and HAA trophies. So get on out there and support your local clubs and build your target counts in the process.
Coast Rifle and Pistol Club will again be a host site for the 2025 Southern Zone Shoot. The Zone is set for July 18-20. Make plans to attend.
The 2025 ATA Rulebook is available for download at the ATA site Download a copy, or order a copy and read it. Your club may have ordered copies and have them available. It is always a good idea to keep a copy of the current rules with your shooing gear. Remember, reading the rules is not against the rules.
“It’s just a trapshoot.” Don’t overanalyze it, just enjoy our sport.
Everyone, be safe, and I look forward to seeing you on the trapline.
Will McCarty
ATA Delegate
South Carolina
Hello from the Palmetto State.
I am once again excited to recognize shooting achievements in our South Carolina information: Gary Ferguson Jr., 50,000 singles targets shot. Gary began shooting in 1997, and his home club is Mid Carolina Gun Club, Orangeburg. Gary also serves on our SCTA Board of Directors as treasurer and served many years as one of our low state directors. Congratulations, Gary, on this achievement.
Baby, it’s cold outside! The freeze has hit South Carolina as well as many other states in the southern area of the country. Clubs have continued throwing targets, but many shooters have “participated” from the inside of the clubhouse. We are excitedly looking forward to blue skies and warmer weather.
Just as a reminder, the South Carolina Trapshooters’ Association has announced the dates for our Hall of Fame Shoot, April 5-6 at the Greenville Gun Club, and our state shoot, April 30-May 4 at the North Carolina Homegrounds. We hope you will consider these two shoots for your shooting season, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Hope you all are enjoying the 2025 shooting season, and thank you for your support of our sport.
Hope to see you shooting soon.
Teresa Knight
ATA Delegate
Well, it is almost trapshooting season again in Tennessee.
To get the season started, you can head to Florida for the 45th annual Southern Satellite Grand American, March 9-16 at Silver Dollar Shooters Club in Odessa. Don’t forget that the Southern Grand starts on Sunday and ends on Sunday. While there, say hello to Dan Ryan, Southern Zone Vice President, and you’ll probably be classified by the new Southern Zone CHC member, Wayne Sartwell.
Stick around the next week for the Florida State Shoot March 18-23, also at the Silver Dollar.
Unfortunately I have some sad news for Tennessee shooters. Life member Bob Pierce of Nashville passed away Jan. 1. Bob served as TSTA president in 1988 and again in 1998. He also was secretary-treasurer for the past 15 years. Bob was selected to the 2008 Tennessee Trapshooting Hall of Fame. He had registered 228,550 targets. He was a member of the group that fired at the last target thrown at the gun club at Nashville Airport in 1987 and fired at the first target at the current location in 1995. Bob probably served on the BOD in one capacity or another for more than 40 years.
On Jan. 9 Wade Frazier of White Pine passed away. Wade was also a life member. He, along with wife Anne, ran Hog Heaven Gun Club. He made the State Team 12 times. He and Anne were both selected to the 2009 Tennessee Trapshooting Hall of Fame. Wade made AA-27-AA in 1987 and registered 233,025 targets. I was proud to know both of these fine men and considered both of them to be good friends. My condolences to both families. They will be sorely missed.
Read the rulebook, please.
For more info, visit our website at You can reach me at [email protected].
Billy Cook
ATA Ex-Officio
TBMGC held its first January shoot on the 11th on a cold but thankfully windless day. Ten shooters bundled up to shoot. Dan Booth from Kansas dropped by and shot. Dan has family in the area and is an adopted Louisiana shooter. Avery Dumas took singles honors with 94. She was followed by Dan Booth with 92 and Brooks Barnett with 91. Booth led the charge in handicap with 89, followed by Mike Lawler with 82 and Brooks Barnett with 78. Doubles honors were won by Booth with 76, followed by Brooks with 75 and Lawler with 73. Others who attended were Ava Richmond, Kevin Fuller, Kat Fuller, Amie Skipper, Natalie Brooks and Hayden Frost. All were treated with a delicious potato soap, much appreciated on the cold day, provided by Ms. Terry Barnett. It was good to the last drop.
TBMGC held its second January shoot on the 18th on a beautiful day, right before the cold weather descended on north Louisiana. Twelve shooters came out to get some extra targets and enjoy the warm day. Dennis Whitlock from Missouri, who was in the neighborhood, and Terry Bolden from Indiana, who was visiting friends, dropped by and shot. Both are adopted Louisiana shooters. It was especially good to see Dennis, who brought a Mardi Gras king cake for all to enjoy. Dennis took singles honors with 97. He was followed by Jim Jenkins with 97 and Maddox Schulte with 96. Avery Dumas outscored everyone in handicap with 95. Dennis did his best with 92, followed by Jenkins with a distant 86. Doubles honors were captured by Kevin Hutcheson from Camden with an 88, followed by Whitlock with 85 and Jenkins with 79. Others who attended were Trey Heusel, Brooks Barnett, Terry Bolden, Ava Richmond, Coran (Squishy) Richmond, Amie Skipper and Reed Whitman. Many thanks go out to Todd Dumas and William Barnett for their much appreciated help with running the shoot and to the many who jumped in and helped score.
The Louisiana State Shoot is right around the corner, and prep is in full swing. Pre-squad opened on March 2. The shoot dates are May 1-4.
Spring is here. Get your equipment in order and ready to go. It’s time to start the new calendar year in earnest.
Check out our website There’s information on registered shoots of interest to our shooters, the scores/winners of our LA shoots, and information on all the gun clubs in Louisiana that host registered shoots. Feel free to drop me a note to [email protected] if you have any news or comments you would like highlighted.
Jim Jenkins
ATA Delegate
What a January it’s been! Watching the nationwide weather, there are not too many places that one could escape to ideal conditions. By the time you read this, we should be getting into better weather. Because of the winter weather conditions, there is not a lot to report on in the Show Me State as far as shooting goes. I do have some good news for those of you who keep inquiring about the status of KCTA. It seems that things are beginning to happen as far as getting the clubhouse rebuilt from the tornado damage. We are told that rough-in crews are to begin the first week of February. It has been a rough road for the KCTA board and a few others who have worked hard at overcoming some issues getting KCTA back online. The possibility of working out of a temporary structure until the clubhouse is finished is in the works. Hopefully by the time you read this report, targets will be in the air.
Each year the ATA recognizes the shooters who register 20,000 targets. In the 2024 target year, Anna Rawe shot at 20,300, and Charlie Stone met the minimum at 20,000. That’s a lot of shooting, not to mention all the non-registered targets they shot at. How many did you shoot at? Looking at this got me to thinking about the 813 active members of Missouri and how many targets they registered. In the 2024 target year, Missouri members shot at 681,875 singles, 467,675 handicap and 279,500 doubles for a total of 1,429,050. I have been in several conversations in the past regarding the age of shooters and the number of shooters in each category. In the 2024 target year, 57% of the shooters in Missouri are age 22 and below. This number speaks well for the youth programs and hopefully the future. The next largest age group is shooters 65 and older at 29% of the membership with those between 22 and 56 at 14%. There are many suspected reasons for the lower membership in the middle age bracket. Where do we find and attract those age shooters to shoot registered targets? Don’t be bashful if you have any ideas; send them to me, and we will compare notes. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected] or 816-863-9003.
HKJV Proverbs 29:23—A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor.
Shoot often, shoot well and be safe!
Stephen Ricketts
ATA Delegate
Howdy from Texas.
Well, it is getting closer to shooting season and I, for one, cannot wait. I always enjoy a break during the cold months, but by March, I am ready to get started.
The Texas Board of Directors is working hard to get the details finalized for our state shoot in Amarillo. They are putting in a lot of work, and it should be another good one. I hope everyone can plan on attending.
Some exciting news is that two of our youth shooters have signed a sponsorship agreement with a gun manufacturer. Codi and Stormi Waters of Wheeler were signed in early January by Italian Fire Arms Group and F.A.I.R. shotguns as shooters and youth ambassadors. As the first youth to be signed to the shotgun side of the company, they were signed not only for their shooting ability but for their character as well. Codi and Stormi will not only represent the company as shooters but will also promote the brand and products. The Italian Firearms Group and F.A.I.R. (Fabrica, Armi, Isidoro, Rizzini) are big supporters of youth shooters and youth shooting sports. I would like to thank their parents, Aaron and Michelle, for the above information, and I know they are very proud. Codi and Stormi are skilled shooters and will be great ambassadors for youth shooting sports.
That should do it for now. If you have anything you would like me to mention in this article, please email me with the details, and I will do my best to share it in the next one. Be sure to visit the TTA website ( to see other news and upcoming events. As always, I would like to encourage you to volunteer at your local club and support youth shooters. Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me or one of the current TTA officers. We’re always glad to help.
Again, thanks for your support, and I will see you at the next one.
Billy Hopson
ATA Delegate
Goodbye, 2024. Hello, 2025!
January kicked off with the Arizona Hall of Fame Shoot. The inductee was Joe Henderson. The ceremony was held on Saturday evening after shooting and saw a great turnout to welcome Joe into the ranks of the Hall of Fame inductees. His wife and son both shared memories about Joe and his dedication to Arizona trapshooting as well as some great stories that really put a personal touch on Joe’s life. Thank you for this.
Shooting concluded on Sunday, with the central zone winning the state HOA honors. The shoot was also attended by several shooters from the north, and one of these shooters, Dave Jeffrey of British Columbia, ended up winning the HAA buckle. Good shooting.
Another high point of this shoot was youth shooter Jayden Macias shooting his first 25 straight. Next stop, 50 straight!
As you are reading this, the Spring Satellite Grand American should be in the books, and the Arizona State Shoot, which runs March 25-30 should be coming up and is being hosted by the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club. Warm weather and high scores are in the forecast, and we look forward to seeing everyone there.
Lastly, the ATA Western Zone Shoot (July 18-20) host club for Arizona will be the Pleasant Valley Trap Club in Young. Cooler summer temperatures and a friendly small town atmosphere make this a great venue for this shoot. If you have never shot here, plan on making the trip. You won’t be disappointed.
Don Williamson
ATA Delegate
Hello, fellow shooters. California has a little bit of a lull in the winter months, despite being sunny California. However, we have a lot of league shoots going on as well as some smaller shoots, including Big 50s and numerous one-day ATA events.
Joining a league team and competing is a great way to get some unregistered targets (aka, practice) along with the pressure of competition and still a lot of fun. The Big 50s are also fun because they are registered targets and not an all-day event and quite frankly can be held in the middle of the week, often in the evening. So if your club is not throwing targets for leagues or Big 50s, talk to them. They may be interested.
This is also the best time to start planning your shoot year. Get a calendar, pull up the CGSTA calendar and start looking at what shoots you plan on hitting. Check out what it takes to make your State Team. Take your calendar and plan where you need to go to make that happen. I challenge all of you to try and find a club you haven’t been to before and see if they have any shoots coming up. Secondly, go back to a club you may not have visited in some time and see what’s changed.
A club that is reinventing itself is the old Coon Creek Trap and Skeet Club, newly renamed to the Golden State Shooting Center at Ahart Ranch in Lincoln. It has started throwing ATA events again this year. It is being completely redone and is looking great and throwing some terrific targets as well. The club was recently purchased by the Jensen brothers and has definitely made changes for the better.
Results for the majority of our shoots in California can be found on SOS Clays. If there are some standouts, please get them to me, so we can give them a shout-out on what they have done or accomplished. My email is [email protected].
Chayton Vega
ATA Delegate
Last month I talked about the Camas Prairie league and how it usually has about 800 shooters. Well, did it ever start out big this year. The very first week had 924 entries. This is the biggest number that most people can remember. And the crazy thing is, since it’s in January, it’s been bitter cold at most of the Idaho clubs with temps in the teens and 20s. But as usual, there are still some perfect scores showing up. The big ATA tournament at the end of the league should prove to be large also. The RV reservations at the Walla Walla Gun Club filled up in just a couple of days. I’m really looking forward to it, and for me it’s the start of the main trapshooting season. It’s March 20-23 and is the largest shooting in the Pacific Northwest, besting any of the state shoots in our area, and it offers All-American points.
A couple of articles ago I wrote about the definition of a rookie. After thinking about it for a bit, I thought I should expand on it a little more. If you read my article and then thumbed through the rest of the T&F Magazine, you came upon an application for Rookie of the Year. “What the heck? Our Delegate said there’s really no such thing.” Actually it’s not an official ATA category. There is a time-honored Trap & Field award for Rookie of the Year. Any new shooter (rookie) can apply for the recognition, and T&F uses the target year as the criteria. But again, it’s not a category but something fun that some clubs do, along with our state shoot, just for that shoot only, and Trap & Field for that year only. Now to make it even fuzzier, I asked some bigwigs from PITA how they defined a rookie. The answer was someone who has only shot for less than a year. It didn’t have to stay within that target year. Well, if you aren’t confused by now, I don’t know how to mess it up any more. More beer drinking discussions! If you have any questions, please contact me.
Stay warm for now.
Leonard Wehking
ATA Delegate
Winter weather in Nevada ranges from many feet of snow in the mountains of the north to milder, but still chilly, desert winds in the south.
Not to be deterred by cold weather, shooters across the state gear up and hit the line to break targets.
The December First Sunday Social shoot at Las Vegas was held under cloudy skies but pleasant temperatures.
Tina Shigemura returned after a long layoff and bested 35 shooters to win the handicap with a solid 46. She received a one-yard punch for a return trip to the back fence.
Clayton Philipp missed just one target for a top score of 49 in singles, and Branden Okubo pounded 47 doubles to claim top doubles score.
Jon Slinker garnered HOA with 138.
Big 50s, First Sunday Socials, games, and the main event, The Big Silver Shootout, highlight the January shooting calendar in Nevada.
As mentioned last month, the Race for the Buckle concluded in December. This is a January through December contest, based on points earned by winning events in the monthly NSTA-sponsored Big 50s.
Custom buckles were given to high point earners in ATA categories. The race came right down to the wire. Winners for 2024 were: Kenneth James, champion; Jon Slinker, open; Leila Tabion, ladies’; Jordan Groves, sub-junior; Angel Diaz, junior; Gary Rusch, sub-veteran; Anthony Machado, veteran; Danny Talbot, senior veteran.
The 2025 Race for the Buckle began anew on Jan. 11 at Clark County Shooting Complex.
The premier shoot in January was the The Big Silver Shootout. The shoot was held at the Clark County Shooting Complex in Las Vegas Jan. 25.
I will report the results of the Silver Shootout next month, but, always a popular tournament, many shooters from multiple states took home loads of pure silver again this year.
This month’s column recognizes several Nevada shooters and interested parties who have been working tirelessly for many months to expand the shooting opportunities at the Mason Valley Gun Club. Jason Nelson, Bailey Nelson, Mark Dagher, Deb Main, Ralph Lederer and others are full steam ahead in the process of tuning up the gun club in Yerington. All are longtime, accomplished trapshooters.
Mark has been state doubles champion, along with many class wins. Deb has several state Lady II championships, and Bailey and Jason Nelson have too many trophies to count. Ralph is in his fourth year of registering ATA targets and shooting well. These people are applying their cumulative trap skills and knowledge to making Mason Valley Gun Club an outstanding shooting venue.
Located approximately 75 miles east of Lake Tahoe and just seven miles east of Yerington, the Mason Valley Gun Club is a complete shooting facility. Consisting of nine traps, multiple skeet fields, sporting clays, and rifle/pistol ranges, it can handle many shooting events in first-class fashion. First constructed in the early 1980s, Mason Valley Gun Club has been part of an active shooting community in northern Nevada over many years.
Mark Dagher reports that the club will host one leg of the ATA Western Zone Shoot this year. The addition of Mason Valley will give Western Zone shooters two locations in Nevada to choose from. Lincoln County Trap Club in Pioche and the Mason Valley Gun Club in Yerington will host Western Zone shooters July 18-20. The Nevada State Trapshooting Association will provide identical local trophy packages for each club.
A big thank you to everyone who is working hard to create more shooting opportunities at the Mason Valley Gun Club.
Next month I will talk with the people who recently built the newest ATA club in Nevada, the Lincoln County Trap and Skeet club. This is a growing and thriving club in Pioche. I look forward to hearing from the folks involved in creating this new shooting venue.
Until then, let’s remember that it’s a game. Have fun!
Danny Talbot
ATA Delegate
As far as trapshooting is concerned, there isn’t much to say about it here in Utah this time of year. The last two weeks of January have been bitter cold, and I suspect February will be about the same. The one nice thing about the month is that it is one month closer to shooting season here in the Beehive State (useless trivia). The next shoot in Utah will be at Purgatory Clay Sports in March. Spanish Fork then follows the next week. April has a few more shoots then the floodgates open in May.
The next shoot for those willing to travel is the Spring Grand in Tucson, AZ. Tucson Trap and Skeet Club always puts on an excellent shoot; the weather is another story. Hopefully it will be pleasant. Even if the weather is unseasonably cold for Arizona, I can assure you it will be warmer than here in Utah. I always look forward to this shoot for no reason but to get together with my usual squadmates. We get to visit, play cards and reminisce about days gone by when we used to be better shots, and the dream that we will be again one day.
February is also the time of year the state association is working on the state shoot program. The shoot will be in Vernal, which is always a good time. Be sure to mark your calendars.
Now would be a good time to pull your trap gun out of the closet/safe and tune it up, so you don’t have any unwelcome surprises this season. Also start reloading or shopping around for good deals on ammo. Mark your calendar for the shoots you want to attend and prepare to have fun.
My following report will be to talk about the Utah shooters who traveled to Tucson and how they fared.
Ed Wehking
ATA Delegate
As I was writing here in January, I was looking out of the window of the family farmhouse on the Idaho border and looking at snow as far as I could see. What can I write about trapshooting? Well, let’s see. For one thing, looking out at the snow does make me anxious for some shooting in short sleeves in some sunshine. As you read this in March, we will be packing up for the Camas Prairie Handicap. The Camas is one that I’ve shot in a polo shirt, long sleeved T-shirt, a winter coat and rain gear, all on the same weekend! The point is, take everything with you for a shoot in March.
Many clubs are in the middle of the Camas Prairie and Spokesman Review telephonic shoots. These are long-standing traditions in these parts. Every kid, grandparent and parent looks forward to getting the newspaper out of the box to see those scores of 25 listed for the previous Sunday. There are as many as 900 folks taking part across the region in the Camas shoot on any given Sunday, and The Spokesman-Review probably pushes those numbers as well. Shooters at many clubs take part in both shoots. There is a cold gun rule. No practice and freezing fingers have a way of making that 25 posted in singles for the week something to brag or feel lucky about. A few years ago, I found some sports page clippings while cleaning out the Hall of Fame room at the Spokane Gun Club. The headline that sticks out in my mind was one from the 1930s when 3,800 people had taken a crack at The Spokesman-Review singles in one week. Many ATA shooters got their start this way in the Northwest, including myself. I hope these leagues are a tradition that carry on for several more generations.
There have been questions about whether or not the Colton Gun Club will be a host site for the ATA Western Zone again in July. The concern was over some construction and upgrades by the city on property across the fence from the range. The club has been assured of high probability in project completion by the time the targets are to fly. If the project gets delayed, the shoot will be moved to a neighboring club not far away. The Colton club will help with shoot management if this is the case. The Western Zone will have a site in eastern Washington. Stay tuned, watch your social media and the WSTA website for confirmation as to location. We look forward to seeing you.
Until next time, let’s all think about warm weather and look ahead to some more camaraderie in the clubhouses at all of our shoots in the area.
Shoot straight and keep your powder dry.
Sean Lewis
WSTA Director